Find US Government News and press releases in chronological order, sorted by department by clicking on categories below
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Farming, Food Production, Disaster Relief for Farmers and Ranchers,
Rural Development, Forestry and Wildland Fire, Food and Nutrition Service
Domestic and International Trade, Economic Development, Telecommunications,
Research and Environment (e.g. NIST & NOAA)
Military operations, Procurement, Defense policy
Education policy, Grants, Higher Education, School Policy
Energy policy, Renewable Energy, Nuclear energy, Major Research Labs,
Grants for Energy Research and Projects
Healthcare policy, Public Health Initiatives, Biomedical Research,
Medicaid & Medicare
National Security, Border Protection, Disaster Response, Citizenship and
Immigration, Cybersecurity, Transportation Security, Human Trafficking
Public & Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Affordable Housing, Fair Housing,
Rental Assistance, Community Planning and Development
Natural Parks & Resources, Conservation, Wildfire & Forest Management,
Indian Affairs, Ocean Management, Water Reclamation, Mining
Law enforcement, Criminal justice reform, Civil rights,
Grants for Law Enforcement
Employment policy, Worker protections, Wage Enforcement,
Job training, Labor Statistics
US Foreign Policy, Diplomacy, International Relations
Transportation policy, Infrastructure, Aviation, Passenger and
Freight Rail, Trade Economics & Infrastructure
Tax Policy, Financial Regulation, International Finance
These categories are not exhaustive, and some departments may have press releases that do not fit neatly into any one category.
Direct Links to Federal Newsrooms
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban Development