HUD: HUD Awards $15M to Help Low-Income Seniors Age in Place

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Grants will fund health and safety repairs in homes of low-income elderly homeowners

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded almost $15 million to 13 nonprofit organizations, in addition to a state government to assist in undertaking comprehensive programs that make safety and functional home modifications and limited repairs to meet the needs of low-income elderly homeowners that allow them to age in place.

Provided through HUD’s Older Adults Home Modification Program (OAHMP), these grants enable low-income elderly persons to remain in their homes through low-cost, low barrier, high impact home modifications to reduce older adults’ risk of falling, improve general safety, increase accessibility, and improve their functional abilities in their home.

These investments will enable older adults to remain in their homes – to “age in place” – rather than move to nursing homes or other assisted care facilities.

The grantees, which are experienced in providing services to seniors, will deliver home modification services to more than 1,900 senior families in both urban communities and communities with substantial rural populations.

“By providing a pathway for more older adults to stay in their homes, we are helping to improve lives and ensuring the opportunity for seniors to age with dignity,” said HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge.

“There is a strong connection between health and housing,” said Matthew Ammon, Director of HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes. “These grants provide a critical resource to communities to make low-cost, low barrier, high impact home modifications tailored to the needs of the residents.”

Read a complete project-by-project summary of the programs awarded grants today.

The following is a state-by-state breakdown of the funding announced today:

Target Area DesignationStateLegal NameUnits ProposedTotal Recommended OAHMP Award
1Substantially RuralDESussex County Habitat for Humanity, Inc.180$1,248,216
2Substantially RuralGAHabitat for Humanity International, Inc.212$1,250,000
3Substantially RuralMSHancock Resource Center130$950,000
4Substantially RuralNCWilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc.150$1,250,000
5Substantially RuralOHCouncil on Aging of Southwestern Ohio160$1,250,000
6Substantially RuralTNAppalachia Service Project105$702,068
7Substantially RuralVAVirginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services180$1,175,656
Total Substantially Rural Units Proposed1,117$7,825,940
Target Area DesignationStateLegal NameUnits ProposedTotal Recommended OAHMP Award
1UrbanizedCAHabitat East Bay/Silicon Valley, Inc.336$1,250,000
2UrbanizedCANeighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County180$1,250,000
3UrbanizedGAGwinnett Housing Corporation120$1,000,000
4UrbanizedILNorthwest Housing Partnership75$800,000
5UrbanizedLANew Orleans Habitat for Humanity80$603,693
6UrbanizedLARebuilding Together New Orleans, Inc.100$500,000
7UrbanizedMNRebuilding Together Twin Cities125$1,250,000
Total Urban Units Proposed792$6,653,693
Total OAHMP Units Proposed1,909$14,479,633



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